Tips for a Healthy Back

Back pain is something that affects millions of people. Because the back and spine control a lot of your body movements, experiencing back pain can greatly diminish your ability to enjoy social activities and daily tasks. Taking care of your spine, back, and neck now will help you lower the chances of experiencing back pain later. Here are a few tips:

tips for a healthy back1. Watch your weight – Excess weight can add a lot of extra pressure and stress to your spine. If you experience back pain and you’re overweight, losing weight can help alleviate some of the pain.

2. Watch the way you sleep – Sleeping on your stomach puts a lot of pressure on your back. Focus on how you’re sleeping and invest in a proper mattress so your back is getting enough support.

3. Focus on lifting properly – It’s very easy to twist the wrong way and damage your spine if you don’t use proper form when lifting an object. Make sure you’re not lifting anything too heavy to avoid injuries. Working with a personal trainer, even if you only do one session, can teach your proper lifting technique.

4. Stretch it out – Most people stretch to keep hips, limbs and quads from getting too tight. But, stretching can also improve back health.

5. Stay Hydrated – Staying hydrated can help you maintain soft tissue elasticity and fluidity in your joints. Since discs are vulnerable to loss of hydration, they can begin to shrink, which results in painful disc conditions.

6. Stop smoking – Quitting smoking is important for a variety of reasons. One of the most surprising reasons is that smoking decreases the oxygen available in your blood and can lead to disc degeneration.

7. Pay attention to warning signs – Back and spine pain is common on occasion. But if the pain is persistent, it’s important to speak to a physician immediately.

Back and Spine Specialist in Greensboro, NC

Our trained back and spine specialists at Spine & Scoliosis Specialists can help you diagnose and treat your back pain. Contact our office at 336.333.6306 to schedule an appointment.