AAOS Warns Parents of Trampoline Danger

Trampolines are commonplace in many backyards across the country. Children spend countless summer hours on trampolines, but the danger of trampoline use was put back into the spotlight recently after a three-year-old boy in Florida was injured on a trampoline and required a body cast for recovery.

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A Minute of Exercise Per Day Could Prevent Osteoporosis

Even the busiest person can find a spare minute in their day to exercise. That’s good news because a recent study has found that women who get just one minute of exercise per day had four percent higher bone density. If you have two minutes, that’s even better! Those who exercised for over two minutes had a bone density six percent higher than those who exercise under one minute per day.

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Effective Ways to Manage Arthritis Pain

Arthritis could be caused by about 100 different diseases, but it all leads to one main symptom: inflammation of the joints. Inflammation is the body’s way of fighting off injury or infection, and it is completely healthy for short periods of time. However, arthritis can cause severe, long-term inflammation which will eventually kill joint tissue.  

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Running on a treadmill vs. running outside

For runners, the repetitive motion and impact of shifting your body weight from one foot to the other can cause wear and tear over time. Whether you’re just starting out or completing your second marathon, you may experience lower back pain or heel, foot, or knee pain at some point.

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Tips for Seniors to Stay Active

Staying healthy and getting moving is important at every stage of life, and especially for seniors. While it may seem difficult, it’s something that can be accomplished. After all, age is just a number, and a healthy and active lifestyle can be achieved despite the presence of disability, past injury or low fitness levels.

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Back Pain During Basketball Season

So you’ve picked up basketball as a new sport at the gym and are experiencing back pain that you’ve never felt before. Or maybe you’re just seeing that a lot of your favorite NBA players are out for a few games due to a back injury. Either way, the common trend is that a high activity sport like basketball and back pain seem to go hand in hand. 

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