A fall can happen anywhere and at any time, but sadly, according to the CDC an older adult dies every twenty minutes from a fall, and they mostly happen in the home. Since September 22 – 28 is Fall Prevention Awareness Week, it’s the perfect time to inventory your own home and those of loved ones. Preventing falls in the fall and every other season just takes some thoughtful evaluation and a few adjustments.
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Can Foods Help Fight Osteoarthritis Pain?
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative chronic condition, and 27 million Americans suffer from its painful symptoms everyday. If you don’t have osteoarthritis, it’s likely you know someone who does. With age and overuse, the cartilage between the bones in our joints begins to deteriorate causing stiffness, loss of flexibility, and pain.
It is typically found in the hands, hips, knees, lower back and neck. Of late, researchers are beginning to consider osteoarthritis a disease of the whole joint.
How to Protect your Spine in Warm Weather
When it’s warmer outside, it is natural to spend more time being active outside. Along with all of the benefits of sunshine, fresh air and exercise, warm weather also brings more opportunities to tweak or injure the spine.Here are some tips to protect your neck and spine while still enjoying the outdoors and all the activity it brings. Continue reading
How to Stay Safe While Playing Golf
While no one reading this will probably ever be a Tiger Woods or a Nicklaus, some of us will religiously hit the golf course to try. While most just play golf for fun, the sport can stop being fun rather quickly when you become injured.
The pros know the two main causes of injury while playing golf are poor mechanics and overuse. The more time you spend playing golf, the higher the risk for injury, but there are techniques, precautions, and little secrets to keep everyone safe on the golf course. Our Specialists Max W. Cohen, MD, FAAOS, Thomas R. Saullo, MD, and Ruben Torrealba, MD, can help relieve lower back pain associated with sports injuries with a variety of non-operative and operative treatments.
Here are some helpful tips for you. Continue reading
How Serious is Your Lower Back Pain?
Whether you have lower back that is piercing and intermittent or achy and constant, you are likely wondering if your symptoms are a cause for concern. Our Specialists Max W. Cohen, MD, FAAOS, Thomas R. Saullo, MD, and Ruben Torrealba, MD, can help relieve the pain in the lower back with a variety of non-operative and operative treatments. Continue reading
Summer Activities and Your Spine
The dog days of summer are approaching with warm weather and vacation plans.
Perhaps you have a road trip nearing that you’ve been planning for months. Maybe you just want to have a “staycation” this year and do some gardening and chores around the house. Whatever form your relaxation takes, always be aware of your spine. No one wants to arrive at their destination or come home with back pain.
Let’s look at some warm weather snafus that can ruin your summer fun.
Do I Need Spinal Fusion Surgery?
A spinal fusion procedure joins two or more vertebrae together to prevent back pain and limit the movement of nerves, ligaments, or muscles that may be causing discomfort.
Exercises to Improve Back Pain
Many Americans suffer from back pain brought on by arthritis or mechanical issues, including posture and how you move. These cases of back pain can often be treated with stretching and strengthening exercises.
Curing Winter Ailments
With temperatures dropping, the urge to sit inside and curl up on the couch is becoming harder to deny, especially if you’re feeling stiff or sick from the cold. However, it’s important to make sure that you are taking care of your body and staying healthy throughout all seasons.
3 Realistic New Year’s Resolutions Your Mind and Body Will Thank You For
It’s that time of year again where we all promise ourselves to make more frequent visits to the gym, eat healthier, and shed a few pounds. But how successful is this overdone New Year’s Resolution? Sure, it sounds great on paper but is it really enough motivation to get us to the gym at the crack of dawn?