
What Parents Need to Know About Sports Injuries and Concussions

As parents, we often spend a lot of time worrying over the safety of our children. This is especially true for parents with kids that are involved in sports. But, what can you know about sports injuries and concussions that may help ease your mind just a bit? … Continue reading

How to Protect your Spine in Warm Weather

When it’s warmer outside, it is natural to spend more time being active outside. Along with all of the benefits of sunshine, fresh air and exercise, warm weather also brings more opportunities to tweak or injure the spine.Here are some tips to protect your neck and spine while still enjoying the outdoors and all the activity it brings. … Continue reading

AAOS Warns Parents of Trampoline Danger

Trampolines are commonplace in many backyards across the country. Children spend countless summer hours on trampolines, but the danger of trampoline use was put back into the spotlight recently after a three-year-old boy in Florida was injured on a trampoline and required a body cast for recovery. … Continue reading