Why Summer Is a Prime Time for Scoliosis to be Noticed

If you have a growing tween or adolescent, you are aware of how they are changing day to day. Growth spurts, voice changes, and sudden hair growth clearly note if puberty is in full bloom. During the hot days of summer kids are wearing t-shirts and bathing suits, so the shape of their bodies is more evident to parents. That’s why summer can be a prime time for scoliosis symptoms to become noticeable.

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An Overview on the Types of Scoliosis

Uneven shoulders and waist, one hip higher than the other, and a shoulder blade being more prominent than the other are all early signs of scoliosis. It can be hard to detect at first, but once diagnosed should be monitored as the more serious cases can lead to lung and heart damage. Here’s an overview on the types of scoliosis, what to watch for, and when to see Spine & Scoliosis Specialists.

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How to Manage Back Pain While You Sleep

If you suffer from back pain every once in a while or if it is a chronic condition, you know how hard daily life can be with that aggravating pain. Sometimes the only relief you may get is while sleeping, but many of us find it almost impossible to get comfortable. Let us give you some tips on how to manage back pain while you sleep so that you can wake up refreshed and ready for the day ahead.

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